How is your mindset about your marriage? Are you experiencing peace and contentment? Or struggling with disappointment and resentment?

If you are ready to have a better perspective – and a better marriage, then this biblical challenge is for you! 

4 Week Reframing Challenge

What would happen if you took the next 4 weeks to reframe your spouse and your marriage with a biblical approach? 

Learn how to have a better perspective – and a better marriage, with this biblical challenge. 

In the ebb and flow of marriage, it's easy for our perception of our spouse to change, which can lead to misunderstandings, conflict and resentment. We are bombarded by negative messages about marriage by a world and an enemy that hates marriage. We can fight those lies by consciously and prayerfully reframing our perspective, as Paul teaches in Romans 12:2:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,” Hebrews 12:2.

You can foster a more positive and fulfilling marriage! 

This challenge will teach you a biblical approach to take your thoughts captive and practice gratitude so you can shift out of negative mindsets and into a positive frame of mind. This is NOT a “new-age” or “stuff down how you feel” challenge. Rather, this process will allow you to experience God’s renewing power in your thought life toward your spouse, marriage, and in all areas of your life. 

Stop waiting for your spouse to change. Take charge of your thought life and see how God changes your life for the better as you renew your mind! 

This 4 Week Challenge is only $20!

Britt & Megan’s Story

I always believed my wife, Megan, was the epitome of maternal love. Her gentle touch and nurturing spirit had been the cornerstone of our family's happiness. She had so much patience with our two young children, and disciplined them with grace. 

Yet during the stress of the pandemic, Satan planted seeds of suspicion in my mind, whispering tales of her shortcomings, her flaws, and her moments of weakness. 

"She seems to be yelling at the children a lot. She’s not the devoted gentle mother you thought she would be.”

I resisted at first, but the doubts grew like ivy, winding around my thoughts until they obscured my view of reality. In reality, she was handling the stress of homeschooling 2 young children, working to bring income to our family, and being on lockdown with a lot of grace and poise. But for some reason I couldn’t see that. Her few moments of frustration were all I could see. Every time Megan raised her voice, every moment of frustration she expressed, Satan's whispers echoed in my ears, distorting my perception until I saw only a mother consumed by anger. 

I began to distance myself, retreating into the solitude of playing video games. With each passing day, I found myself withdrawing further.

But deep down, a voice cried out; a voice I had been ignoring. It was God’s voice, reminding me of the woman I had pledged my heart to, the mother who had sacrificed everything for our children. In a moment of clarity, I realized I had been ensnared by Satan’s lies. God intervened to reshape my perspective, enabling me to see my wife in the same light as He does: with love and grace.  

Has this ever happened to you? Has your view of reality ever been skewed by the enemy? Chances are they have. He is the master of deceit after all. It’s so easy for our perspective to get out of whack. Which is why it’s imperative that we turn to God to help shape our perspective of our marriage.

This 4 week challenge will help you do just that.

Take charge of your thought life and see how God changes your life for the better as you renew your mind!