If your marriage is doing okay but could use a jumpstart, then this 5 Week Marriage Refresher Challenge is for you! 

Is your marriage just coasting? It's not bad, no pain points come to mind, but you’re not growing closer and no real investments are being made.

This is exactly why we’ve created this challenge…to help you put some life back into your marriage.

Over the course of the next 5 weeks, you and your spouse will focus on 1 thing each week in each of these 5 important areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Intimacy
  3. Connection
  4. Prayer
  5. Finances

Each week for 5 weeks you’ll get an email with your Marriage Refresher challenge tasks. Between reading the email and doing the assignments, this challenge will only take approximately 15 minutes per day.

Are you ready to rejuvenate your marriage? Jump in and sign up for the challenge today!

Purchase the Marriage Refresher

Not sure if this challenge is for you? Keep reading to learn more.

Ask yourself and your spouse: “How is our marriage doing in these 5 important areas?”

#1 Communication 

How is your communication as a couple? Sometimes our conversations become more of a checklist than an invitation to know each other more deeply. When was the last time you shared deeply with your spouse? Not your daily checklist. Not a honey-do list. But something from your heart, your goals/dreams, a struggle you’re facing, or an area of life you are struggling with. 

#2 Intimacy 

How is your intimacy as a couple? We often hear from couples that the intimacy in their marriage has gone stale. While we know physical intimacy isn’t the only kind of intimacy a couple should share, we also know that physical intimacy is a good indicator of the quality of the connection a couple is sharing! 

#3 Connection 

How connected are you as a couple? Do you feel disconnected? Is there an unspoken divide in your home? Have you found yourself looking to other people or places to meet your need for connection? 

#4 Prayer

What’s your prayer life like as a couple? Is your prayer time together a priority? Is it non-existent? Praying together can be intimidating. We get it! However, it’s the single best thing you can do for your marriage. It builds intimacy, encourages vulnerability, and allows for transparency in your marriage, all while deepening your relationship and keeping Christ at the center.

#5 Finances 

How are your finances? Are you on track with spending? Has one spouse taken the reins on this, leaving the other person seemingly out of the loop? Do you both have equal say in where your money is going? Do you show you value your marriage in the way you spend your money?

What would happen in your marriage if you took 5 weeks and did 5 things each week to refresh your marriage?

Each week you will focus on 1 thing in each of these 5 important areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Intimacy
  3. Connection
  4. Prayer
  5. Finances

Are you ready to supercharge your marriage? Sign up here today!